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Oct 11, 20192 min read
Record your next release in Iceland and get 25% of your costs reimbursed by the State Treasury!
Several countries around the world offer incentives to get movies and TV shows filmed and produced in their country. It’s usually some...

Nov 11, 20183 min read
Picking a Distributor
One of the most important decisions you will have to make as a self-releasing artist and/or independent record label is which digital...

Jan 8, 20189 min read
Unravelling the many Codes and Acronyms of the music industry. Part 2 – Who’s who and wh
You just found out you need to register your tracks with a CMO like PPL. They will give you an ISRC, and you also need an EAN but all you...

Jan 7, 20185 min read
Unravelling the many Codes and Acronyms of the music industry. Part 1 – Cracking the Codes
You just found out you need to register your tracks with a CMO like PPL… They will give you an ISRC, you also need an EAN but all you...

Dec 7, 20173 min read
The most important thing self releasing artists need to remember.
It’s 2017, there’s a global connection linking the world’s computers, tablets, phones and other smart devices. Information is whizzing...

Oct 17, 20178 min read
5 pieces of really bad advice people keep giving musicians…and musicians keep listening to.
1.”Keep” your publishing. The first piece of advice I ever got given is that I should “keep my publishing”. On the surface, this seems...
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